The Center for Quality People and Organizations' intensive presentations, training programs, planning and design activities, and consultation services focus on the content, adaptation and implementation of lean systems and process thinking.
The Center’s efforts entail the use of lean resources, concepts and arguments, models, terms, procedures and policies that may be either new to some learners/customers, or that are used in contexts that can profit by being clarified.
Accordingly, certain key resources, terms, and charts that recur in the Center’s offerings will be linked below. Though by no means exhaustive, the lists and documents aim to indicate the references, terms, and charts that those who have participated in Center programs have found most useful. Also, these items have served to assist in Center discussions with its partners and customers regarding specific forms of assistance needed.
Note: pages listed below are currently under construction.
A list of key words or phrases associated with lean philosphy and the Center's trainings and services. The list also provides definitions and phonetic spellings.
The aformentioned materials (charts, forms, etc.) that recur in the Center's offterings can be found here. This includes visuals, diagrams, and blank templates: all downloadable for personal use.
Frequently Asked Questions
The short answers for our current and prospective clients' most commonly asked questions can be found here. If your question isn't listed feel free to contact us directly.by clicking here and completing the form.
A list of suggested readings regarding lean principles, continuous improvement, and the Center and its partners can be found here. Please note that while all the materials listed are from experts in their field, the products may not be of or related to the Center, its consultants, or its partners.